来源:West Auckland drowning not suspicious
Police say the death of a man found in a stream bordering the west Auckland suburbs of Henderson and Massey was not suspicious.
Ranui resident Jimmy Wang Liyu, 78, drowned in the Huruhuru Stream on Friday.
Jimmy Wang Liyu是Ranui居民,78岁,周五在Huruhuru河中溺亡。
Police say local residents were helpful in quickly reporting the incident, which allowed quick recovery of Mr Liyu’s body.
Read More:Body found in Auckland stream
Police are asking for help to identify the man
The body of a man has been found in a stream which borders the suburbs of Henderson and Massey in west Auckland.
Police were called to Huruhuru Stream, Henderson about 4pm today.
今天下午4点警方接到Henderson Huruhuru河流地区的报警。
They are asking for help to identify the man who is described as Asian, approximately 60 years old and of medium build.
He was wearing a brown jumper, jeans and white New Balance sports shoes.
他身穿棕色卫衣,牛仔裤和白色New Balance运动鞋。

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